Thursday, December 27, 2007


The Youth Impact Camp 2007 was held somewhere in the jungles of Melaka. Although most of us dreaded climbing about 50 steps every time we had to get to our dorms, the clean and stylish facilities, the mouth watering food served daily and the many playful, tame and cute puppies and dogs that kept us company, more than made up for it.

The camp was titled Superglue and its objective was to teach us unity. When we finally got there after a long ride in a bus, we were given nifty booklets and then briefed on the camp rules, told who our team members would be and so on. One of the more "interesting" rules of this camp was that in order to retrieve a lost belonging from the camp commander, Rachel, you had to go through the sacred rite of holding the belonging in both your hands and solemnly promise that you would not lose it again.

This particular camp proved to be a physically active one. Most of the activities required a lot of running around here and there. We were blindfolded, put through heat and cold, forced to trek in the night, had water balloons thrown at us and the lot. Praise God, no one got injured, unlike last year.

Some of the more interesting games involved venturing into an eerie run down structure simply to find a letter. Another required us to build a human pyramid of at least 10 people just to reach a banana. We had nine people on the ground and one on top. In another station we were all blindfolded and one of us purposely got left behind by the facilitators while the ones who didn’t were told the parable of the lost sheep. One of our facilitators retrieved the lost member of course. Another station involved doing 19 mathematical equations and adding them all up together. My group’s first answer turned out to be more that three times bigger than the correct one. However, we were so determined to finish the equations that we had to be forced to proceed to the next station.

The worship sessions were also spiritually awakening. However, during the first part of the camp I could hardly hear God at all. It wasn't until I chose to give something up that I could hear him clearly. I then was able to worship freely and really connect with Him. I think God really spoke to us at this camp. The devotions were pretty eye opening as we talked about the body of Christ and how each one of us is special. The reason we have to be united is so each one of us can play a part with our talents and gifts with Jesus as the cornerstone.

During my term as one of the leaders of team Brue Corrour (No this isn't a typo error), I have learned a valuable lesson. I was active for the first day but on the second and third I completely left it all up to the other leader, Krystal. I felt useless and unable to do anything. Our team was far into the losing end. I simply gave up. Things seemed hopeless.


In one session God told me that perhaps winning wasn't that important. The real prize was the lessons we would all learn from being in a team. When I looked back I saw that it was not so much my inability to lead that caused me to fall but the inability to persevere. So during the last devotion, I confessed that my inactivity had probably contributed to the reason we were losing and vowed to do more from then on. So on the fourth day I took charge and gave my best. Even if we did ultimately lose, I could take it graciously. We got to know each other, friendships were built, talents shone, and we appreciated one another. We were united and took back so much. And this was the light that shone through the darkness.

Of course, the camp finally had to end... ever heard of a camp that didn't? :D I learned a lot. In fact, I learned so much that words fail to express my sense of victory, a thing that does not happen often.

Thank you Lord.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Friday, November 30, 2007

A soft prayer

I was attending my church prayer meeting on the 28-11-2007.

When it came to prayer time, we were all divided into groups. It being one of my first few times in a church prayer meet, I admit that I had reservations about praying aloud. Nevertheless, I told myself that I must find the 'courage'...

Finally, I plucked up the courage to pray aloud just as someone in my group finished praying. I launched into prayer... However, I noticed someone looking at me. Then, the person seated next to me kindly told me that someone else was already praying.

'What? Really? I don't hear anything', I thought, a little embarassed. I listened more keenly and lo and behold... a soft voice floated from the opposite end of the circle I was in. O.o' I could actually hear much better the voices of people praying in other groups.

The other person probably started praying while I was plucking up the courage to pray aloud. Good grief... I shall have to listen carefully before I start praying aloud, next time. XD

Monday, November 12, 2007

November 10th, 2007

Yes. It was the day when 40 000 or more Malaysians of all races marched in the streets of KL, turning them into seas of yellow. The people of Malaysia walked and many cried out, "Democracy". Like Joshua did with his priests and people, Malaysians were crying out, to bring down the walls - of silence that have for so long surrounded Malaysia!

Hundreds of police and the FRU were deployed, chemical laced water was blasted, tear gas was fired. It was war! Not the kind where crude weapons are fired (Well... actually... erm... well it wasn't the marchers that used them *cough cough*).

It was not for the freedom of the slaves but freedom of democracy!

In fact, it was so massive a rally and march that my friends and I coming from Subang Jaya got stuck in a bad traffic jam as soon as we tried to use the Federal Highway on the way to our Youth Group meeting in PJ Section 13. We had to turn back and return home. I felt ecstatic (not that I didn't like my Youth Group). But the march was really working!


Sunday, November 11, 2007

A random thought

Have you ever seen your parents (or found yourself) overeating just so that the food does not "go to waste?". Honestly, overfilling yourself with food isn't my idea of 'saving'. No, you won't be saving any money whether you eat it or not, but you WILL grow fat if you do. Sad... =.=

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Who I Am

I write this because I dare not speak it.

You probably wouldn't see (hear, actually) me talking about my feelings, life and personal thoughts. I am an introvert.

I know it's ironic that I am shy of homo-sapiens despite being one myself.

I talk; but not as much as other people.

I feel; but I try not to show it.

I sometimes walk around aimlessly because it's better than standing still.

I do not talk crap or deeply with people I do not know very well.

I have lots to say. I just don't say them...

I often wish I could. Maybe one day I would.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Random Drawings

I like drawing.

I used a WACOM tablet pen and drew this on the computer.

I will upload more as time goes by.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Sane, the Insane and the Liar.

Q: What do you call a guy who says he is insane?
A: A liar

Reason: If he really is insane, he would not know it; so he is actually sane and lying. However, if he really is insane, he would be trying to lie, as he's saying something he does not know nor believe in.

I'm reading an interesting book, Catch 22 which inspired me to write this post. I personally find it a very complicated book. I'm having trouble remembering some of the complex characters simply because they are complex characters...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Our Hot Air Balloon

Ok, so maybe my family does not own a hot air balloon, but unfortunately, we have something shockingly similar to it.

No it isn't a plane, a balloon or even a basket... It's ... a car.

When my family needs to go out for dinner, we hop into our 'hot air balloon'. I would then ask, "Where are we going for dinner?" My dad's answer would often be, "Don't know yet."

It is painfully silly to drive around not knowing where you're going. You drive South and halfway (it's kinda hard to tell when you don't actually have a destination), you have a sudden craving for chicken rice and have to make a U turn and drive North.

Yes, the resemblance between a 4 wheeled land vehicle and a no wheeled aviation basket is... shocking.

When you get into either, you never know where you will end up.

Monday, October 1, 2007

10 reasons why I hate the rain.

1. It turns what would have been perfectly dry sand/soil into... mud.
2. It gets you wet and things stick to you.
3. It gets in your face, glasses, eyes etc.
4. It causes accidents.
5. Its noisy.
6. It turns the day gloomy.
7. It conducts lightning which trips your power supply.
8. It causes floods.
9. It gives you a cold.
10. It makes the trees grow.

One reason why I dislike trees...
They rain... leaves.

(Personal note: Its ironic I know, but right smack in the center of my garden stands tall an almost fruitless mango tree.)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Separation

No... It couldn’t be... It just couldn't be...

Was what I did that wrong? It was just a small breach of regulation. One small breach, but the price was life.

I would be separated from my computer.

My mind swirled like a sickening whirlpool in the depths of my brain. I wanted to protest, but my mouth wasn't functioning; it too was in shock. There was no way out from this terrible fate. After all, I have a very, very stubborn mother.

My mind raced. I could try to sneak into the world I longed to be in; but it wasn't possible, for the only entrance was being guarded by the watchful eyes of my mother and even if they turned away, there was always my traitorous brother. No, if I got caught, the penalty would be even more severe. What about... negotiations? Oh, but who was I kidding? But it was the only way and I was desperate.

I should have known better for the gatekeeper was relentless. There was no hint of pity in her merciless eyes. The conversation was unreasonable and tyrannical but above all, impossible. There was always a tomorrow, as the condemnation lasts only a day. But there was always the haunting question…

Would I last that long?

Monday, August 27, 2007

Light and sound theory


Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people seem bright until you hear them speak. -Brian Williams