Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Who I Am

I write this because I dare not speak it.

You probably wouldn't see (hear, actually) me talking about my feelings, life and personal thoughts. I am an introvert.

I know it's ironic that I am shy of homo-sapiens despite being one myself.

I talk; but not as much as other people.

I feel; but I try not to show it.

I sometimes walk around aimlessly because it's better than standing still.

I do not talk crap or deeply with people I do not know very well.

I have lots to say. I just don't say them...

I often wish I could. Maybe one day I would.

1 comment:

Jian Eu said...

Well, how sad and ironic. I often find myself having to make things up to say on the spot, just to fill the silence.