Monday, June 15, 2009

The Mossy Forest.

Through an old forest road I ran. The cool air of Cameron Highlands swept over me as I panted for breath, listening to the soft patter of my feet on the gravel.

I found myself passing through a small stretch of road that the trees covered from the sky.

Then, I saw it.

Cavelike, a muddy path through the forest climbed, then disappeared up over a ledge. Was this the way?

Pulling my gaze away from this surreal gateway, I shouted to my brother, who had gone ahead of me. My mother appeared from around a bend in the road.

"Hey mom! Look at this!" I pointed.

Plodding through the muddy earth, I trailed my mother and brother. Carefully navigating over fallen trees we advanced through the mist and foliage. It was not long before my mother stopped in her tracks and gasped. Could it really be?


We found it.


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